Thursday, 1 December 2016

How to grow your edges back

Thinning edges are common in African hair due to the bad techniques of manipulating hair that we have learnt over generations. More especially in women who relax or braid their hair. I must admit, I rarely see thinned edges on women and men who keep their hair in its natural state through dreadlocks, the few who I do see, tend to be ones who over lock and over twist their dreadlocks. So why do so many people struggle with thin edges, young and old?

In my opinion and observance, most people with thin or non existent edges are the ones who have inherited bad hair practices from the unfortunate hair habits that we are mostly taught without fully knowing that they are infact not good for us. For example, how many children from as little as 6 months old, do you often see with braided hair? Especially now that it is the festive season, poor innocent 1 year olds have fully relaxed hair, weaves and all sorts of strenuous hair styles.Why are we pulling children's hair so hard and at such age? Why can't we let kids just be kids and not have an imposed adult look? It is these very hair practices that damage hair from a young age, resulting in damaged hair follicles that yield only a limited amount of hair as we get older, and in some worse cases, no edges at all.

As adults, we still carry on with really tight braids and this further damages the edges. We even sometimes let the relaxer stay on the hair for longer than recommended in effort to 'tame' the edges.

For those that are growing their hair naturally yet experience thin edges this is my take on the topic:
  • Use a gentle brush such as a tooth brush to lay your edges down or brush them. Never use normal brushes as they are too harsh on the edges. The hair on the edges is usually weaker and needs more sensitive hands. 
  • Stay away from micro braids, they weigh down the edges as they are heavier than the hair. This results in breakage.
  • Don't use gel all the time. Give your hair a break and don't always use gel.
How I plan to grow my edges back:
  • I have been applying castor oil to my edges three times a week. And gently massaging the area with my finger tips for a minute on each side. I started 2 weeks ago and plan to do this for 2 months to three. 
  • For two full months I will avoid brushing my edges, even with a tooth brush. 
  • In this period, I won't be braiding my hair at all for the first month.
  • I also won't be styling my hair into tight buns and try style my hair in low manipulation styles. 
  • Progress update will follow towards the end of December.